Entrance of the fazenda

How to assess a cocoa farm?

18 mai 2016 | Catégorie : Études

Entrance of the fazenda

Entrance of the fazenda

We translated the template we are using to evaluate some cocoa farms in Bahia (see our previous posts in French: a first evaluation and a second one). The aim of each assessment is to provide a precise picture of a cocoa plantation and to draft possible action plans to improve its financial viability. Any farm should be considered as an enterprise. Therefore, we strive to evaluate all its components. A case study in English can be downloaded here (1 Mo). The survey is adapted to “fazendas” in Brazil, with a focus on organic cocoa production. Simplified survey questionnaires can be used in other context.

The assessment contains the following sections:
– Layout and usage
– Environmental description
– Plantations
– Harvest and post-harvest processes
– Other crops and activities
– Labor force
–  Certification(s)
– SWOT analysis
– Value estimation of the property
– Action plans (2 scenarios)


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